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In June we had a wonderful day at the Game Fair held in the grounds of Scone Palace.

Like minded people enjoying their Gordon's and having fun.

We had almost 70 dogs in a parade showcasing our fantastic breed. In the main arena we walked our dogs around a few times before members of the public were invited to come in and get to speak to us and our dogs.

Our dogs aged from puppies (2 of which travelled in style in a stroller due to their age) and as old as 12.5 years old. Our owners came from as far south as Durham to as north as Wick.

Our dogs were well admired and talked about.

It was decided after the parade that we should go down to the River Tay to get a group photo. As you know our Gordon's are magnets to water so they were in their element when the photographer suggested letting them off their leads. They were a true credit to our breed with not one grumble from these dogs that were strangers to each other.


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